A Historical Document:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lee's Questions around Croatia and Camp
Does Molecula have space to store boxes that we ship there?
When we arrive we have a workshop right away where we:
Build Crates
Build Community
While we are working ask the questions:
What does your city need?
What is great about this place?
Where should we go?
Have another workshop and ask:
Where are things located?
How can we structure the space?
How can we keep the space active and mobile?
All of this is participation and performance using visual tools to create practical dialogue about place.
The show stays open and…..
More workshops can happen
People can continue to use the physical objects as building blocks to talk about how things are and how things should be
The show closes:
How do we de-install? Do we need to come back?
When we arrive we have a workshop right away where we:
Build Crates
Build Community
While we are working ask the questions:
What does your city need?
What is great about this place?
Where should we go?
Have another workshop and ask:
Where are things located?
How can we structure the space?
How can we keep the space active and mobile?
All of this is participation and performance using visual tools to create practical dialogue about place.
The show stays open and…..
More workshops can happen
People can continue to use the physical objects as building blocks to talk about how things are and how things should be
The show closes:
How do we de-install? Do we need to come back?
Potential Moving Crew Timeline
- All Moving Crew members work on the ideas that have been generated by the Grinnell summer camp.
- Lee, Jeremy and Lydia design catalogs for past shows on Lulu.com
- July 1st
- Lydia Applies for an Iowa Arts Council Mini Grant http://www.iowaartscouncil.org/funding/artist-project-grant/index.shtml
- Lee Applies for a remote residency from the Future Farmers http://www.futurefarmers.com/
- July 15th Catalogs are produced and ready to send with Jeremy and Lee
- July 28th Lee and Jeremy go to Croatia to visit Nadija and Cesco and see Molecula
- All moving crew members actively solicit artists to create editioned mailing boxes to send to Molecula. This may mean posting the call to artists on NYFA, Franklin Furnace, Chicago Arts Resource etc. etc.
- Progress is made on funding
- August 8th Lee and Jeremy back from Croatia
- Continue active solicitation of artists!
- October 15th Deadline for artists to agree to show
- Artists acquire boxes and begin printing
- The Moving Crew designs portfolio cases for shipping boxes after the show during the next several months
- January 15th CEC deadline
- Boxes arrive at Molecula
- The Moving Crew Arrives in Croatia
Funding Opportunities for The Moving Crew: Croatia
1/15/10 CEC ArtsLink, FACE Croatia LEE/LYDIA
Rolling FutureFarmers (Columbia College Center for Book and Paper Arts: Visiting Artists or Seattle Center for Book) LEE (July 1st)
Check July 09 Puffin Foundation
Rolling Iowa Arts Council Mini Grant LYDIA (July 1st)
Rolling Open Society Foundation JEREMY
7/31/09 The Art Prize, Grand Rapids JEREMY
Rolling Jerome Foundation for the Arts HEATHER
Rolling Printed Matter projects
1. Catalogues for Croatia Show LEE/JEREMY/LYDIA
2. Post-Croatia Project
Rolling Ninth Letter video submissions
Possible Shows/Residencies:
Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts: Project Space HEATHER
Banff Residency JEREMY
Other Professional Opportunities:
The Drawing Center registry LEE
White Columns registry LYDIA
Space London LEE
Additional Search Engines for More Opportunities
Transartists http://www.transartists.nl/
Mira’s List miraslist.blogspot.com
Saturday, May 30, 2009

ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Award: $ 10,000 project budget, housing and production assistants provided
The Sharadin Art Gallery at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests proposals from artists, craftspersons, and designers for the production of an original, temporary, site-specific installation for our exhibition space.
The artwork will remain on view from January 29 – March 5, 2010. The selected artist (or artist team) will be awarded $10,000. The award must cover all material and labor costs associated with the production of the work, all travel expense to and from our site, all incidental costs, meals, and all artist fees and honoraria. The university will provide housing one block from the gallery (Main Street Inn). A group of Kutztown University students will be available to assist with the physical production of the selected proposal.
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, located an hour north of Philadelphia, and two hours west of New York City, has an enrollment of 10,000+ students. Each year, our College of Visual and Performing Arts awards approximately 225 undergraduate degrees in Communication Design, Fine Arts, Art Education, and Crafts. Our Visual Arts programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
Application deadline is end-of-business, Friday June 12, 2009. For more information about our physical space and specifics about applying for this project, please visit:
Questions should be e-mailed to: talley@kutztown.edu
E-mail only – NO PHONE CALLS, please!
Friday, May 29, 2009
the Pen
An idea for a state-side exhibit to follow up Croatia:
Eastern State Penitentiary has alot of exciting spaces to exhibit in.
Word is, that while artist(s) do not have to visit and tour the Pen before submitting a proposal,
no proposal has been funded or approved to date without an in person visit.
The 2010 cycle deadline is very close, so why don't we plan for a 2011 submission... it could be early 2011, so Croatia and whatever transpires is still fresh. A couple of us would have to plan to visit and tour the site... I would be willing. And if anyone is going to the 2010 SGC in Philadelphia, we could multi-task and tour the place then.
more links:
Exhibition Approval: Maximum $7,500.00 per project, includes approval to exhibit during the proposed exhibition cycle. It is not necessary to have applied for or received Proposal Development<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#proposal_development >. Must be for current exhibition cycle. No artist installations can be approved to exhibit on the property without approval through this process. All projects that are approved are for exhibit during one full tour season (April through November), unless otherwise discussed. Artists whose work is currently on exhibit can apply through a separate process to extend their installation by one tour season.
Proposal Development: Maximum $2,500.00 per project, for development of an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal. Proposal Development cannot be applied to the current exhibition cycle. This funding is designed to develop an idea or body of work that will later be submitted as an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal in a later cycle. It is intended to offset travel costs and artist materials for ambitious projects that may require extensive work to develop. It is not necessary to name which year an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal will be submitted. Receipt of Proposal Development does not guarantee later Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval >, nor that the work will ever be exhibited.
Eastern State Penitentiary has alot of exciting spaces to exhibit in.
Word is, that while artist(s) do not have to visit and tour the Pen before submitting a proposal,
no proposal has been funded or approved to date without an in person visit.
The 2010 cycle deadline is very close, so why don't we plan for a 2011 submission... it could be early 2011, so Croatia and whatever transpires is still fresh. A couple of us would have to plan to visit and tour the site... I would be willing. And if anyone is going to the 2010 SGC in Philadelphia, we could multi-task and tour the place then.
more links:
Exhibition Approval: Maximum $7,500.00 per project, includes approval to exhibit during the proposed exhibition cycle. It is not necessary to have applied for or received Proposal Development<http://www.
Proposal Development: Maximum $2,500.00 per project, for development of an Exhibition Approval<http://www.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Travel & Success Tours
EACH CRUISE FEATURES A FULL COMPLIMENTARY BUFFET, OPEN BAR, DANCE FLOOR WITH DJ, SPA & JACUZZI, CLIMBING WALL, SHOPPING CENTER AND STATE OF THE ART CABINS IN STEERAGE. Each member will be required to swab the deck and batten down the hatches. Also some light vacuuming of the sails on less windy days.
Monday, April 13, 2009
(thinking about each crate as a city)
(thinking about legos)
(each crate in relation to other crates)
(re-read calvino’s invisible cities)
each of us creates a crate. each crate is a small world. a model, a snapshot, a glimpse, a window, a lens, a frame, etc. of a specific place. this will be a self-contained world. a description of place. history, future, constructs, maps, plans, patterns.
this crate will be shipped, transported, displaced. this set of ideas, this way of life will cross borders, languages, time zones, mountains,, plains, seas, valleys, cities, states, provinces, territories. it will transgress all. it will not be contained but will excrete itself.
arriving at a gallery space it will escape from the crate. it will be placed in a new context. it will be juxtaposed with other models from within their crates. it will live side-by-side with each world in the shipping container and the gallery space when it is unpacked. and it will live with itself as it always does. waiting. waiting for something to happen. it will show its similarities, its differences. it will examine its own properties, its proclivities. it will discover formal sameness. it will parade cosmetic improvements. it will proudly display its currency. its current thought. its up to the minute presence. its now-ness through its contents of artifacts, tools, and instruments.
but then the audience will be asked to, invited to, encouraged to reconstruct these parts into a new vision, revision. a new city will emerge from these parts. what will be discarded? what will be pirated? what will be copied? what will be stolen? will a participant working on one city negotiate with someone working on another city? what elements will travel from one crate to the next? what competing visions will wage battle over territory, space, resources, the hearts, minds and souls of its constituency? will new models and systems emerge? will old patterns be reinforced or reinvented? who will control these visions? will it centralize, compartmentalize, disintegrate, conglomerate? will disparate voices unite or will competing fragments emerge , rise and fall?
and so, the crates will have many lives. a start, a plan, a birth. flux. some crates contents may disappear, flowing to the other crates. perhaps they start as raw materials only (constructed by each artist) and a plan or set of instruction packed into the crate. these materials and directions are to be configured by the viewers/audience upon arrival. the contents will be sorted out, organized, distributed, arranged as prescribed as best as possible.
then after some time they will be open sources. unprotected. malleable. the public steps in. tools will be made available to the public. to re-imagine the city in a box. the original configuration changes. hybridity. there will be adaptation and innovation. there will be chaos, waste, revolution. perhaps, eventually, there will be resolution. or at least stasis. some cities may be forgotten. or used and abused. back to waiting. hoping. and then they will be re-packed. re-situated. some reconstituted contents or growth will mean the need for a new bigger crate. returned to their origins or to a new context. a new gallery space. a living city. constant re-formulation.
(thinking about each crate as a city)
(thinking about legos)
(each crate in relation to other crates)
(re-read calvino’s invisible cities)
each of us creates a crate. each crate is a small world. a model, a snapshot, a glimpse, a window, a lens, a frame, etc. of a specific place. this will be a self-contained world. a description of place. history, future, constructs, maps, plans, patterns.
this crate will be shipped, transported, displaced. this set of ideas, this way of life will cross borders, languages, time zones, mountains,, plains, seas, valleys, cities, states, provinces, territories. it will transgress all. it will not be contained but will excrete itself.
arriving at a gallery space it will escape from the crate. it will be placed in a new context. it will be juxtaposed with other models from within their crates. it will live side-by-side with each world in the shipping container and the gallery space when it is unpacked. and it will live with itself as it always does. waiting. waiting for something to happen. it will show its similarities, its differences. it will examine its own properties, its proclivities. it will discover formal sameness. it will parade cosmetic improvements. it will proudly display its currency. its current thought. its up to the minute presence. its now-ness through its contents of artifacts, tools, and instruments.
but then the audience will be asked to, invited to, encouraged to reconstruct these parts into a new vision, revision. a new city will emerge from these parts. what will be discarded? what will be pirated? what will be copied? what will be stolen? will a participant working on one city negotiate with someone working on another city? what elements will travel from one crate to the next? what competing visions will wage battle over territory, space, resources, the hearts, minds and souls of its constituency? will new models and systems emerge? will old patterns be reinforced or reinvented? who will control these visions? will it centralize, compartmentalize, disintegrate, conglomerate? will disparate voices unite or will competing fragments emerge , rise and fall?
and so, the crates will have many lives. a start, a plan, a birth. flux. some crates contents may disappear, flowing to the other crates. perhaps they start as raw materials only (constructed by each artist) and a plan or set of instruction packed into the crate. these materials and directions are to be configured by the viewers/audience upon arrival. the contents will be sorted out, organized, distributed, arranged as prescribed as best as possible.
then after some time they will be open sources. unprotected. malleable. the public steps in. tools will be made available to the public. to re-imagine the city in a box. the original configuration changes. hybridity. there will be adaptation and innovation. there will be chaos, waste, revolution. perhaps, eventually, there will be resolution. or at least stasis. some cities may be forgotten. or used and abused. back to waiting. hoping. and then they will be re-packed. re-situated. some reconstituted contents or growth will mean the need for a new bigger crate. returned to their origins or to a new context. a new gallery space. a living city. constant re-formulation.
RENT-A-DELTA: A Response to City Planning Strategies in Rijeka, Croatia
a few rough notes from Francesco Molinari's talk regarding urban transformations in Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik
(Cesco working with Platforma 981 in Zagreb, Prostor Plus (within Molekula), School of Physical theater and dance.)
1950’s biggest port of Yugoslavia
Industry vs. tourism
Fragmented urban development
4 areas:
Baros Port
Delta (storage)
Container terminal
Rijeka viewed as “gateway to central Europe”
Industry. Pop. growth. History: Roman emperor retires, builds his fortress in Split.
• Art
• Tourism (1957-1988 there are 47 hotels built)
• Trade (small port)
Originally a cargo port. Shift to passenger port.
Former Yugoslavia
1980 Tito dies. The day that Yugoslavians asked themselves “And now what?”
Transition to market system from socialist system:
4 big changes:
• Banking system changes
• privatization
• administrative decentralization
• changes in legal structure.
Recent growth and change:
Growth from 100 municipalities to 500
Adjusting to the notion of private property.
Record keeping, determining claims of ownership. Cadastre, land registry.
Croatia has a pop. of 4.5 million
Political/governmental disorder creates delay. Disorder prevents wild investment. Creates a “fertile delay” that protects the coast from wild development.
EU now ordering the territory. Organizing.
New Market (real estate, development, tourism, etc)
• Weak institutions
• Increase demand for built space
• Focus on smallest scale, basic units of spatial development (proprietary parcel). pixel.
Dubrovnik. population exodus. driven out by increased prices or pulled out by offers they cannot refuse. move to Mokosica. nearby bedroom community. destruction of old city as a living entity. social architecture dismantled. hollow tourist destination. Disneyland.
Golf. Developing former Yugoslavia for golf.
Property versus identity
Ownership as consumer versus ownership as citizen.
(Cesco working with Platforma 981 in Zagreb, Prostor Plus (within Molekula), School of Physical theater and dance.)
1950’s biggest port of Yugoslavia
Industry vs. tourism
Fragmented urban development
4 areas:
Baros Port
Delta (storage)
Container terminal
Rijeka viewed as “gateway to central Europe”
Industry. Pop. growth. History: Roman emperor retires, builds his fortress in Split.
• Art
• Tourism (1957-1988 there are 47 hotels built)
• Trade (small port)
Originally a cargo port. Shift to passenger port.
Former Yugoslavia
1980 Tito dies. The day that Yugoslavians asked themselves “And now what?”
Transition to market system from socialist system:
4 big changes:
• Banking system changes
• privatization
• administrative decentralization
• changes in legal structure.
Recent growth and change:
Growth from 100 municipalities to 500
Adjusting to the notion of private property.
Record keeping, determining claims of ownership. Cadastre, land registry.
Croatia has a pop. of 4.5 million
Political/governmental disorder creates delay. Disorder prevents wild investment. Creates a “fertile delay” that protects the coast from wild development.
EU now ordering the territory. Organizing.
New Market (real estate, development, tourism, etc)
• Weak institutions
• Increase demand for built space
• Focus on smallest scale, basic units of spatial development (proprietary parcel). pixel.
Dubrovnik. population exodus. driven out by increased prices or pulled out by offers they cannot refuse. move to Mokosica. nearby bedroom community. destruction of old city as a living entity. social architecture dismantled. hollow tourist destination. Disneyland.
Golf. Developing former Yugoslavia for golf.
Property versus identity
Ownership as consumer versus ownership as citizen.
What follows are some rough field notes from Nadija filling us in on project possibilities in Croatia
only small amount of funding available through city of rijeka and arts ministry of croatia
small amount for supplies or catalog
We need to work out our program and include:
Project description
Visuals, text
Budget, finances
Places where we are looking for/applying for funding
Catalogs are important there. Create a catalog during Summercamp? Catalog, pdf version ok.
Housing covered in Rijeka with Cesco and Nadija and friends.
Scope of the project: one city, many cities?
Nadija outlined the character, history and possibility of
Molekula space available
apply to another space in Rijeka. Deadline August/Sept.
Marin president of Filmactiv
Molekula big, storage/industrial looking building, a big box, in part of Rijeka which is part of harbor/port authority and part belongs to city. In the center of city but doesn’t feel like center. Cranes, containers. Size of Intermedia Dept. When located in International Center. Corridor 3m wide. Off corridor offices and rooms. Projection room used as gallery space. Editing room. Mirrored room for theatre, dance. Offices. Huge room called “living room” (lounge). Windows, air, sunny, light. Can see cranes moving containers out the window. Two columns in middle, small pillars. All first floor. Youth, cultural and activist center.
Second floor no access. Basement possibility.
Delta area. Rijeka river comes down to sea.
Transformation of rijeka. Funded by world bank. Commercial center. Yachts.
Rijeka’s aesthetic. Constructed by austro-hungarians in 1900’s. Big port. Ships. Trieste built as port for vienna; rijeka built as a port for budapest. Trieste and rijeka one hour drive. Both sides of port on coast spreads to containers, cranes. Railroad goes straight to port. Old trains. Old industrial buildings. Industry deteriorated since 1990’s. Bankrupt since 1990’s. Shipyards to be transformed into tourist areas. Workers’ city but workers now jobless. Paper factory and motor parts city shut down. Gearing towards tourism. Cultural tourism. Contemporary art museum to be built in motor building.
Production versus service
Communicate with local students and artists. Take it on the road to dubrovnik.
Slaven Tolj-- artist
15-20 years making art about local context. National/international artist. Saving the city.
Lazarte workshop. Mainly performance. Gallery space there. Workshop space for residencies. Walls outside the city—chambers for quarantine. 3 stone buildings. Local gov’t wants to kick workshop out for tourist use. Francesca von Hapsburg, tb… arts foundation. Cultural colonialism?
Elefite… islands. Loput—old monastery on island. Francesca bought it.
Dubrovnik undergoing brutal transformation. Giant carnival cruisers. 3-8 ships per day. Tourist souvenir stores. Prices raised. Real estate up. 9000 euros per square meter. Similar to Venice. Amusement park for tourists, flaneurs.
Art project organized by Slaven Tolj in Dubrovnik: standing on city wall waving goodbye to last cruise ship of season with handkerchiefs.
Student center art gallery. Big space. 1000 square feet?
Split Arts Academy
Filmactiv working with Cinema Club in Split. Space.
tour, boat, bus
depends on budget
inexpensive van for 8 including driver may be a possibility
Cesco’s talk Thursday 4:30 pm Jessup Hall.
transformation of Croatian coast. natural landscape, social landscape.
Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik
Rijeka collaboration Molekula, physical theatre, workshops. Evicts. Project Rent a Delta.
Italian and Croatian border history WWII.
EU postponed. Always on threshold. Waiting.
Neva Sills discusses Door County, tourist trap. schools shrinking.
Similar urban issues in cities around the world:
Grand Rapids
urban swap?
exchange, translation, local. your city here. model of my city. compare/contrast to your city. to rijeka.
Things that pass through people’s hands, flyers
Paper things, collapsible
Show in Croatia and back in U.S. somewhere…
Possibly propose a 2011 curated show Des Moines Art Center, downtown space?
crates, containers, shipping containers, modular.
city in a box.
Content. Local context. Learn context through Nadija but also through…Molekula, Slaven Tolj, Filmaktiv, Marin, etc.
Research… conversations…
Kate Foley, Rijeka, contemporary choreographer and dancer. Dance troupe. Worked with Mike Kelley “The Day is Done”
Keep reading Mike Davis, Rem Koolhaas, etc.
Jenn Myers notes project in 2003 Panama City
sponsored by the Panama Ministry of Culture? Art collectives, artists, using the city as a protagonist.
Ghada Amer, billboards, Chinese sayings. Local graffiti artists work on buses.
City as protagonist
Our approach is as allies
Conversations with artists, others in Croatia
Tourism, transport, movement, etc…
Urban Transformation
Skart art collective from Belgrade, Serbia. Collective. Leftovers. Remnant. By-product. Junk. 2-3 people anonymous. Anyone can be part. Citizens or Consumers conference.
projects: male embroiderers on street, singing socialist songs, coupon projects, etc.
Irwin. Slovenia. Collective. Passports.
Fast food, tourist crap
Made by genuine local artists
Working to engage the audience/viewer as participants
Culturally people in Croatia may be skeptical or unwilling to participate in dialogue in art activity.
Too many choices is a problem.
Better to have a strong structure.
Better to assign a role.
Language(s). Discussion of …
English. as lingua franca.
Frenki. In Iowa City with Katie McG. Love. He is an amazing computer programmer, software designer, graphic designer. Can we ask him to help? With brochures, catalogs, websites, etc.?
Nadija isn’t worried about being overly didactic with a project in the context.
Postponing conclusion making.
Social Realism also didactic.
Advertising also didactic.
Starting project
can moving crew establish a long term relationship with Croatia?…
fast food
tourist crap
Lee Running discusses Harrell Fletcher
Harrell Fletcher’s “Expert Night”
10 people find 10 people, neighbors
local culture
The American War, book. (Vietnam)
What could happen in Rijeka (and Dubrovnik)?
IMAGE FINDING, matching from one city to others?
compare/contrast. connect.
shipping containers
very tall buildings
road making
even tighter right now.
IAC grant deadlines and funding cuts
people may have to fund themselves, or find their own funding. ship things over.
keep on lookout.
funding research at summercamp.
only small amount of funding available through city of rijeka and arts ministry of croatia
small amount for supplies or catalog
We need to work out our program and include:
Project description
Visuals, text
Budget, finances
Places where we are looking for/applying for funding
Catalogs are important there. Create a catalog during Summercamp? Catalog, pdf version ok.
Housing covered in Rijeka with Cesco and Nadija and friends.
Scope of the project: one city, many cities?
Nadija outlined the character, history and possibility of
Molekula space available
apply to another space in Rijeka. Deadline August/Sept.
Marin president of Filmactiv
Molekula big, storage/industrial looking building, a big box, in part of Rijeka which is part of harbor/port authority and part belongs to city. In the center of city but doesn’t feel like center. Cranes, containers. Size of Intermedia Dept. When located in International Center. Corridor 3m wide. Off corridor offices and rooms. Projection room used as gallery space. Editing room. Mirrored room for theatre, dance. Offices. Huge room called “living room” (lounge). Windows, air, sunny, light. Can see cranes moving containers out the window. Two columns in middle, small pillars. All first floor. Youth, cultural and activist center.
Second floor no access. Basement possibility.
Delta area. Rijeka river comes down to sea.
Transformation of rijeka. Funded by world bank. Commercial center. Yachts.
Rijeka’s aesthetic. Constructed by austro-hungarians in 1900’s. Big port. Ships. Trieste built as port for vienna; rijeka built as a port for budapest. Trieste and rijeka one hour drive. Both sides of port on coast spreads to containers, cranes. Railroad goes straight to port. Old trains. Old industrial buildings. Industry deteriorated since 1990’s. Bankrupt since 1990’s. Shipyards to be transformed into tourist areas. Workers’ city but workers now jobless. Paper factory and motor parts city shut down. Gearing towards tourism. Cultural tourism. Contemporary art museum to be built in motor building.
Production versus service
Communicate with local students and artists. Take it on the road to dubrovnik.
Slaven Tolj-- artist
15-20 years making art about local context. National/international artist. Saving the city.
Lazarte workshop. Mainly performance. Gallery space there. Workshop space for residencies. Walls outside the city—chambers for quarantine. 3 stone buildings. Local gov’t wants to kick workshop out for tourist use. Francesca von Hapsburg, tb… arts foundation. Cultural colonialism?
Elefite… islands. Loput—old monastery on island. Francesca bought it.
Dubrovnik undergoing brutal transformation. Giant carnival cruisers. 3-8 ships per day. Tourist souvenir stores. Prices raised. Real estate up. 9000 euros per square meter. Similar to Venice. Amusement park for tourists, flaneurs.
Art project organized by Slaven Tolj in Dubrovnik: standing on city wall waving goodbye to last cruise ship of season with handkerchiefs.
Student center art gallery. Big space. 1000 square feet?
Split Arts Academy
Filmactiv working with Cinema Club in Split. Space.
tour, boat, bus
depends on budget
inexpensive van for 8 including driver may be a possibility
Cesco’s talk Thursday 4:30 pm Jessup Hall.
transformation of Croatian coast. natural landscape, social landscape.
Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik
Rijeka collaboration Molekula, physical theatre, workshops. Evicts. Project Rent a Delta.
Italian and Croatian border history WWII.
EU postponed. Always on threshold. Waiting.
Neva Sills discusses Door County, tourist trap. schools shrinking.
Similar urban issues in cities around the world:
Grand Rapids
urban swap?
exchange, translation, local. your city here. model of my city. compare/contrast to your city. to rijeka.
Things that pass through people’s hands, flyers
Paper things, collapsible
Show in Croatia and back in U.S. somewhere…
Possibly propose a 2011 curated show Des Moines Art Center, downtown space?
crates, containers, shipping containers, modular.
city in a box.
Content. Local context. Learn context through Nadija but also through…Molekula, Slaven Tolj, Filmaktiv, Marin, etc.
Research… conversations…
Kate Foley, Rijeka, contemporary choreographer and dancer. Dance troupe. Worked with Mike Kelley “The Day is Done”
Keep reading Mike Davis, Rem Koolhaas, etc.
Jenn Myers notes project in 2003 Panama City
sponsored by the Panama Ministry of Culture? Art collectives, artists, using the city as a protagonist.
Ghada Amer, billboards, Chinese sayings. Local graffiti artists work on buses.
City as protagonist
Our approach is as allies
Conversations with artists, others in Croatia
Tourism, transport, movement, etc…
Urban Transformation
Skart art collective from Belgrade, Serbia. Collective. Leftovers. Remnant. By-product. Junk. 2-3 people anonymous. Anyone can be part. Citizens or Consumers conference.
projects: male embroiderers on street, singing socialist songs, coupon projects, etc.
Irwin. Slovenia. Collective. Passports.
Fast food, tourist crap
Made by genuine local artists
Working to engage the audience/viewer as participants
Culturally people in Croatia may be skeptical or unwilling to participate in dialogue in art activity.
Too many choices is a problem.
Better to have a strong structure.
Better to assign a role.
Language(s). Discussion of …
English. as lingua franca.
Frenki. In Iowa City with Katie McG. Love. He is an amazing computer programmer, software designer, graphic designer. Can we ask him to help? With brochures, catalogs, websites, etc.?
Nadija isn’t worried about being overly didactic with a project in the context.
Postponing conclusion making.
Social Realism also didactic.
Advertising also didactic.
Starting project
can moving crew establish a long term relationship with Croatia?…
fast food
tourist crap
Lee Running discusses Harrell Fletcher
Harrell Fletcher’s “Expert Night”
10 people find 10 people, neighbors
local culture
The American War, book. (Vietnam)
What could happen in Rijeka (and Dubrovnik)?
IMAGE FINDING, matching from one city to others?
compare/contrast. connect.
shipping containers
very tall buildings
road making
even tighter right now.
IAC grant deadlines and funding cuts
people may have to fund themselves, or find their own funding. ship things over.
keep on lookout.
funding research at summercamp.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Off the Strip Performance Art, Vegas, etc.
Nice ideas here. Perhaps during my spring break I'll work on some ephemera in the printshop. Folks are welcome to join me here in the grand metropolis of Grinnell. Let me know if you are interested.
My friend and colleague Donna Stack kindly passed this link on and it seems to me that although the deadline is crashing into us (2/22) that it is perfect for The Moving Crew or individuals within the crew. Certainly in striking distance of Megan's Reno haunts. Any MC interest or time? I can help write something...
Jenn Myers passed on some info regarding a Des Moines Art Center (family friendly) performance art call and apparently there is a stipend. This July in Des Moines. Any MC interest or time? I have some ideas...
Nice ideas here. Perhaps during my spring break I'll work on some ephemera in the printshop. Folks are welcome to join me here in the grand metropolis of Grinnell. Let me know if you are interested.
My friend and colleague Donna Stack kindly passed this link on and it seems to me that although the deadline is crashing into us (2/22) that it is perfect for The Moving Crew or individuals within the crew. Certainly in striking distance of Megan's Reno haunts. Any MC interest or time? I can help write something...
Jenn Myers passed on some info regarding a Des Moines Art Center (family friendly) performance art call and apparently there is a stipend. This July in Des Moines. Any MC interest or time? I have some ideas...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Some Moving Crew members are going to Indy at the end of January for an install. at Big Car. More information to be posted as it happens.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
ephemera, books, crates

A while back I was part of a show called "F is for Free, Eph is for Ephemera." The idea was that each participating artist made a multiple of something that would be distributed as part of the show. The curator actually made an online catalog of the project plus a CD version that was distributed. Check it out here: F is for Free
I was thinking maybe we could take this idea and use it for a publication somehow. Each crate that gets created (if we go that route--I like the idea) could have a distributable component--to be decided by the artist. Then we can scan or photograph or otherwise get the "ephemera" into a format that can be used for a book. The ephemera could be something truly cheap and easy to reproduce--if you wanted to make a print, the distributable part could just be a photocopy but the actual editioned print could be included in a portfolio that could then be for sale... The ephemera could be, as Lydia said, a way to brainstorm ideas for the actual project. Then the ephemera could actually travel to Croatia as well... or, it could be another fundraiser?? A complete set of ephemera included with the deluxe edition of the book?
Also, I visited a really great gallery in Zagreb called galerija miroslav kraljevic. They show work and work with artists doing really interesting, interactive, outside-the-gallery kind of stuff. I wonder if we can collaborate with them somehow...
galerija miroslav kraljevic
Monday, January 19, 2009
Croatia/Funding Brainstorm from Damenkonfektion
The crate idea is fantastic (I always gaze at those Pods that people use to move lately and it reminds me of Bruce Tapola's use of the U-Haul to set his show next to the Walker Art Center-but better).
What about mini crates that we construct and fill with specific work for the show-- the work doesn't have to be an art object itself, it could be a project, material and instructions--something like the kits Jeremy developed for ICRAPT--but a standard crate, a module, something to ship and unpack--into the larger crate or as is. I'm thinking of this as a start (as we're in a place without funding right now, without the means to purchase and store the larger crate). This may also remedy our constant lack of finished components that frequently freaks us out when we're doing the projects.
If everyone completes a crate, we have a base to start with and build off of when we arrive. The crates, as they're completed, will also act as documents and output to demonstrate our activity, even when we aren't in the same place as members--the show won't be just a figment on paper or a proposal, but a project in motion, changing, a chance for call and response--the crates could be shipped from one of us to another, requesting the skills of another to complete the contents. The smaller crates might even be saleable--John Freyer style--ebay fundraiser?? Who wouldn't want to buy a crate that has been to Crotia, exhibited, and back?
Also, after talking with Maggie about fundraising (I think David mentioned this in his email about the CBAA conference), the idea of a print portfolio or a book project seems like a great source of revenue and another example of our work--to be exhibited in Croatia, as a means to request funds (our ongoing activity)--especially as some of us are in the same state right now--with access to great facilities and resources. I also think a book might help to consolidate and focus our ideas. It's always hard to get everyone to participate and it most frequently happens when we're in the actual space setting up the show with a deadline. A book project or portfolio (something like Circular Ruins or The Land of Wandering) could act as a precursor, a chance to brainstorm and develop our plans prior to the actual project, but also create a great, accessible piece (there could be a hand-made version and a more easily printed/distributed version—Maggie and David have already offered their Epson).
Finally, let’s think portable, maybe a video project that would be tied to Croatia. I know we don't know what Croatia will become quite yet, but there are a few short video submissions out there that might give us structure for deadlines, potential exposure, and help us create work for the Croatia shows to boot--like Ninth Letter--maybe even Wholpin--not sure.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Croatia 2010 project brainstorms

Let's start brainstorming. If a project is good enough we'll find the money.
Let's keep our options open and ambitious and then think of the barriers later.
Here is a crazy idea.
I have been thinking about ports and shipping containers. See wikipedia for a bit on these ITU's, ISO's or Isotainers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Containerization
Rijeka is a port city on the Adriatic.
Rijeka will change dramatically when Croatia enters the EU.
What if we bought, rented, or leased a shipping container here in the states and built a show and activities out of it and shipped it to Rijeka?
- If we bought, the show could be housed in the unit itself and painted on the outside. We'd have to buy it (around $1200 each used and $6000 new) and arrange shipping ahead of time (truck, train, boat there. Then truck to show site somewhere in Rijeka.) There will be additional shipping and customs charges. Questions: do we pack a show in it-- traveling style-- or do we pack it like a crate that gets unpacked? Would there be a spot in Rijeka or Opatija or Zagreb where we could put it? What would the show be like in the inside? Could it be a mobile Moving Crew unit that we could load on a truck and take to two sites?
- This is obviously not a cheap proposition but also not completely out of range either I believe. Hopefully ambitious. I think the biggest financial issue is still getting people to Croatia.
- Rent a shipping container and pack all our supplies inside of it to have shipped to Rijeka. What if we packed it full of all types of transport-- a boat, bikes, mopeds, motorcycle, skateboards, scooters, etc.? Use these around Rijeka, Opatija or Zagreb in some way. Commute, shuttle back and forth between Rijeka and Opatija. Make videos, performances, 2-D and 3-D artwork, installations out of these activities?
- There are services where they can drop the container off at your house for two days, we load it, and then they pick it up and off it goes via truck, train, and sea to Croatia. Or services where they stop by your house for a few hours and we load it up and send it off to Croatia. Amazing.
- Buy one and move it temporarily somewhere in Croatia and live and work out of it? Just work out of it?
- Obviously this kind of thing would take some prep on our part. If we buy one we'd have to find a way to sell it back to the port in Rijeka. Not sure if this is possible. In the U.S. and much of Europe (countries that export little) they are trying to get rid of them versus shipping them back empty. These suckers weigh 8,000 lbs (3,500 kg) empty.
- Would the shipping container be an ideal format for bringing ICRAPT back? Collage work inside? Or perhaps some sort of library? Or a technical support center of some kind? Or a passport office? Could we make it into an office? (UN or NATO office, landmine office selling landmines for people to plant, Blackwater office, Halliburton office. An office trying to get Croatia to join a new group similar to European Union called Jugoslavia. Other ideas relevant to Croatia? Perhaps some of these listed here are offensive?
- Steel containers. Could we dismantle it and do something with it? Transform it into something else relevant for the sites in Croatia? Salvage?
- Best to use a worldwide friendly size of container (no bigger than 40' (12.2 m)long. Inside dimensions approx. Length 39'5" x Width 7'8" x Height 7' 9" with door size height 7'8" x width 7'5"
Let's keep our options open and ambitious and then think of the barriers later.
Wake up bloggy heads!

Hey Moving Crew!
Croatia 2010. It starts now.
Funding ideas that people have mentioned:
1. Creative Capital grant. I think their next round is for early 2010 and concentrates on Film, Video and Visual Art. I'll try to find out more specific deadlines but their last round outlines a lengthy process with the first round due in March of the year.
http://www.creative-capital.org/index.html2. State Arts Council grants. Individuals from various states would need to look into the funding from their state. Iowa, Washington, Illinois, CA, NV, PA, NY, MI, etc.
3. Grant support from your college/university if employed or student there.
4. Puffin Foundation (smaller amounts)
5. Gunk Foundation (smaller amounts)
6. FACE Croatia. I think we need to be a non-profit for this though.
7. Franklin Furnace. (smaller amounts)
8. Meet for production this summer-- making stuff-- entrepreneurial approach? Print exchange or fine artist books to approach special collections?
9. Other grants?
10. Other ideas?
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