A Historical Document:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lee's Questions around Croatia and Camp
Does Molecula have space to store boxes that we ship there?
When we arrive we have a workshop right away where we:
Build Crates
Build Community
While we are working ask the questions:
What does your city need?
What is great about this place?
Where should we go?
Have another workshop and ask:
Where are things located?
How can we structure the space?
How can we keep the space active and mobile?
All of this is participation and performance using visual tools to create practical dialogue about place.
The show stays open and…..
More workshops can happen
People can continue to use the physical objects as building blocks to talk about how things are and how things should be
The show closes:
How do we de-install? Do we need to come back?
When we arrive we have a workshop right away where we:
Build Crates
Build Community
While we are working ask the questions:
What does your city need?
What is great about this place?
Where should we go?
Have another workshop and ask:
Where are things located?
How can we structure the space?
How can we keep the space active and mobile?
All of this is participation and performance using visual tools to create practical dialogue about place.
The show stays open and…..
More workshops can happen
People can continue to use the physical objects as building blocks to talk about how things are and how things should be
The show closes:
How do we de-install? Do we need to come back?
Potential Moving Crew Timeline
- All Moving Crew members work on the ideas that have been generated by the Grinnell summer camp.
- Lee, Jeremy and Lydia design catalogs for past shows on Lulu.com
- July 1st
- Lydia Applies for an Iowa Arts Council Mini Grant http://www.iowaartscouncil.org/funding/artist-project-grant/index.shtml
- Lee Applies for a remote residency from the Future Farmers http://www.futurefarmers.com/
- July 15th Catalogs are produced and ready to send with Jeremy and Lee
- July 28th Lee and Jeremy go to Croatia to visit Nadija and Cesco and see Molecula
- All moving crew members actively solicit artists to create editioned mailing boxes to send to Molecula. This may mean posting the call to artists on NYFA, Franklin Furnace, Chicago Arts Resource etc. etc.
- Progress is made on funding
- August 8th Lee and Jeremy back from Croatia
- Continue active solicitation of artists!
- October 15th Deadline for artists to agree to show
- Artists acquire boxes and begin printing
- The Moving Crew designs portfolio cases for shipping boxes after the show during the next several months
- January 15th CEC deadline
- Boxes arrive at Molecula
- The Moving Crew Arrives in Croatia
Funding Opportunities for The Moving Crew: Croatia
1/15/10 CEC ArtsLink, FACE Croatia LEE/LYDIA
Rolling FutureFarmers (Columbia College Center for Book and Paper Arts: Visiting Artists or Seattle Center for Book) LEE (July 1st)
Check July 09 Puffin Foundation
Rolling Iowa Arts Council Mini Grant LYDIA (July 1st)
Rolling Open Society Foundation JEREMY
7/31/09 The Art Prize, Grand Rapids JEREMY
Rolling Jerome Foundation for the Arts HEATHER
Rolling Printed Matter projects
1. Catalogues for Croatia Show LEE/JEREMY/LYDIA
2. Post-Croatia Project
Rolling Ninth Letter video submissions
Possible Shows/Residencies:
Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts: Project Space HEATHER
Banff Residency JEREMY
Other Professional Opportunities:
The Drawing Center registry LEE
White Columns registry LYDIA
Space London LEE
Additional Search Engines for More Opportunities
Transartists http://www.transartists.nl/
Mira’s List miraslist.blogspot.com
Saturday, May 30, 2009

ARTIST RESIDENCY PROJECT: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Award: $ 10,000 project budget, housing and production assistants provided
The Sharadin Art Gallery at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests proposals from artists, craftspersons, and designers for the production of an original, temporary, site-specific installation for our exhibition space.
The artwork will remain on view from January 29 – March 5, 2010. The selected artist (or artist team) will be awarded $10,000. The award must cover all material and labor costs associated with the production of the work, all travel expense to and from our site, all incidental costs, meals, and all artist fees and honoraria. The university will provide housing one block from the gallery (Main Street Inn). A group of Kutztown University students will be available to assist with the physical production of the selected proposal.
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, located an hour north of Philadelphia, and two hours west of New York City, has an enrollment of 10,000+ students. Each year, our College of Visual and Performing Arts awards approximately 225 undergraduate degrees in Communication Design, Fine Arts, Art Education, and Crafts. Our Visual Arts programs are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design.
Application deadline is end-of-business, Friday June 12, 2009. For more information about our physical space and specifics about applying for this project, please visit:
Questions should be e-mailed to: talley@kutztown.edu
E-mail only – NO PHONE CALLS, please!
Friday, May 29, 2009
the Pen
An idea for a state-side exhibit to follow up Croatia:
Eastern State Penitentiary has alot of exciting spaces to exhibit in.
Word is, that while artist(s) do not have to visit and tour the Pen before submitting a proposal,
no proposal has been funded or approved to date without an in person visit.
The 2010 cycle deadline is very close, so why don't we plan for a 2011 submission... it could be early 2011, so Croatia and whatever transpires is still fresh. A couple of us would have to plan to visit and tour the site... I would be willing. And if anyone is going to the 2010 SGC in Philadelphia, we could multi-task and tour the place then.
more links:
Exhibition Approval: Maximum $7,500.00 per project, includes approval to exhibit during the proposed exhibition cycle. It is not necessary to have applied for or received Proposal Development<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#proposal_development >. Must be for current exhibition cycle. No artist installations can be approved to exhibit on the property without approval through this process. All projects that are approved are for exhibit during one full tour season (April through November), unless otherwise discussed. Artists whose work is currently on exhibit can apply through a separate process to extend their installation by one tour season.
Proposal Development: Maximum $2,500.00 per project, for development of an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal. Proposal Development cannot be applied to the current exhibition cycle. This funding is designed to develop an idea or body of work that will later be submitted as an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal in a later cycle. It is intended to offset travel costs and artist materials for ambitious projects that may require extensive work to develop. It is not necessary to name which year an Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval > proposal will be submitted. Receipt of Proposal Development does not guarantee later Exhibition Approval<http://www.easternstate.org/exhibits/guidelines.php#exhibition_approval >, nor that the work will ever be exhibited.
Eastern State Penitentiary has alot of exciting spaces to exhibit in.
Word is, that while artist(s) do not have to visit and tour the Pen before submitting a proposal,
no proposal has been funded or approved to date without an in person visit.
The 2010 cycle deadline is very close, so why don't we plan for a 2011 submission... it could be early 2011, so Croatia and whatever transpires is still fresh. A couple of us would have to plan to visit and tour the site... I would be willing. And if anyone is going to the 2010 SGC in Philadelphia, we could multi-task and tour the place then.
more links:
Exhibition Approval: Maximum $7,500.00 per project, includes approval to exhibit during the proposed exhibition cycle. It is not necessary to have applied for or received Proposal Development<http://www.
Proposal Development: Maximum $2,500.00 per project, for development of an Exhibition Approval<http://www.
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